Claire Suarez

Model & content creator

Location Pin Icon

Newport Beach, CA

@claiiresuarez 4K+

instagram apps icon

@claiiresuarez 5K+

TikTok Logo Icon

Mash Up: Skirt

Transitions: ​Sunglasses

Outdoor: Activewear

Beach Content: ​Jacket



Mash Up: Jacket

Trend: Jacket & ​Phone Case

Trendy: Accesories

Voiceover: Heated ​Jacket

Storytelling: Ionizer

Testimonial: Filter

& Steamer

Voiceover: Ionizer




Lifestyle: Hair ​Perfume

Tr​end: Hair Perfume

Seasonal Concept: ​Hair Perfume

Brand Event: Vici ​Dolls

UGC Photography

Let’s work


I can’t wait to be a part of your brands success.

What to expect when working with me!

I will become your target customer.

With every piece of content, I strive to elicit a feeling, an emotion that ​influences the viewer to take action. I take on the character traits, pains, and ​desires that your ideal customer has.

I'll configure a strategy to quickly communicate how your product/brand is the ​solution for your audience. I'll hone in on pain points to resonate and connect ​with your consumer. I'll create an ideal vision/life that your audience desires.

Within the first 3 seconds, I aim to ignite a question in your audience that only ​the video can answer, cliff-hangers, fast moving and exciting content. I'll ​ensure the content is visually inviting and leaves the viewers wanting more.

Claire Suarez